
About Between Two Worlds

Between Two Worlds (BTW) is a solutions-focused blog dedicated to bridging the racial, political, and cultural divide through informed commentary and ideas to help bring us together.

Many of us often feel caught between two worlds when it comes to issues or problems in our society. We don’t much care for either of the two extremes that often exist on each side of a debate, but the sensible middle is often hard to grasp. Innovative solutions, however, can be like bridges spanning the river that divides us. But we have too few bridges today, and not many bridge builders. BTW seeks to be a platform from which we all can build bridges.

What Makes BTW Different

In addition to being focused on solutions, BTW is different from other blogs because each article includes information on the source of factual claims made. Typically annotated in an endnote or embedded in a hyperlink, readers can analyze for themselves the underlying material supporting each set of ideas. In an internet-driven world, the credibility of what is supporting the bridges we build is critical.

Rules on Commenting

Critical, constructive comments are encouraged, but all comments must be free of hate speech (speech intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of traits like race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, or disability), and speech intended to incite violence, or speech that threatens violence. Such comments are subject to the laws of the United States and may be investigated by the cognizant authorities and prosecuted accordingly.